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Managerial Round Questions for Developers and Software Engineers

Managerial Round Questions for Developers and Software Engineers 

This Post is about Interview questions asked in Managerial Round or in your final rounds after all of  technical Rounds
AS a BI Developer I have attended various interviews in some i succeed and in some I failed. So based on my experience I am sharing this Post.

 List of questions which were almost same in lots of Managerial Round.

Tell me about yourself your work and your Roles and Responsibilities in current company?

In which Project You are current working who is the customer give some details?

Most Complex thing faced in the Project and how did you managed?

Why are you leaving your current company?

Biggest mistake you did while writing code?

what if you will do if you get more package from some other company?

How long will you work for this company?

Your commitments with the company?

Where do you want to see yourself after 5 years?

If you are working extra hours daily  How will you manager?

What if you will get bored from your work?

Your Role Model and why?

How often you can join if you got offer?

These are some of important questions asked in most of managerial rounds or after technical rounds

 Tips from my side is  be confident ,answer point to point and  don't elaborate your answer too much..

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