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ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

I was working in a scenario where I need to get distinct names order by some other column which was not a part of Select Query. Below I will show you how to fix this error if you will stuck with the same error.

The error message was as below.

Msg 145, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

Below I will create a test environment to create the error and in next step I will show how to fix this above error.

--test table script

create table #TestOrder
(id int identity(1,1),OrderName varchar(100),Period varchar(100),Month int)

Insert into #TestOrder values('TV','Jan15',1)
Insert into #TestOrder values('WashingMachine','Feb15',2)
Insert into #TestOrder values('TV','Mar15',3)
Insert into #TestOrder values('Refrigrator','Apr15',4)
--Need Distinct of below two since we don't know the month
Insert into #TestOrder values('TV','2015',13)
Insert into #TestOrder values('TV','2015',14)

If you will analyse the above table you can notice that we have three main Column orderName Period and Month column.

OrderName-  Shows the order Name
Period-          MonthName along with the Year when the order was made
Month-         No. of Month for the order for eg-for Jan=1,for Feb=2 and so on…

Now if  you will see the last two records the Period is 2015 and Month is 13 and 14 which means for these two records it was not sure for which month this Product was ordered so they made period entry as 2015 and put a random entry as 13 and 14 for the Month.

Requirement-So, the Requirement was we wants to see a single column in the output which will be distinct and will be concatenation of Order Name and period order by Month. Since for the last two records the order is same so we will take distinct of it and keep it them in the top as below screenshot

 I tried the below query to take distinct of order and period name order by month I got the above error.

select distinct OrderName +'_'+Period as OrderPeriod  from #TestOrder
order by month

Msg 145, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

Solution- So below code will give you distinct name order by a column Month which is not a part of Select query.

select  OrderName +'_'+Period as Order_Period  from #TestOrder
group by  OrderName +'_'+Period
order by min(Month)

Output as Required.

Note: Since we are using aggregate function in the order by so you must need to write group by before order by clause other wise it will throw the error. for eg as below

select  OrderName +'_'+Period as Order_Period  from #TestOrder
--group by  OrderName +'_'+Period
order by min(Month)

Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column '#TestOrder.OrderName' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

So the above query will solve your issue if in case you are stuck with some similar scenario where you want distinct record order by a column which is not a part of Select query.

If you have any other issue regarding SQL & BI where you are stuck write to me in the comment box I will try to help you out.