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Transfer table from one schema to another Schema in SQL

Transfer table from one schema to another Schema in SQL

Issue-Moving table from one schema to another schema in SQL

Issue Description- A user created a table in default schema (dbo) but as per the requirement the new table should be part of another Schema (Emp).So the new table created in dbo schema need to be moved to another Schema Emp.

Issue Solution- Table Employee created in dbo schema need to be moved in Emp Schema

Case I –When you want to move only one table from one schema to another

So below is the query       
Alter Schema Emp --The Target schema Name where you are moving your table
    Transfer  [dbo].[employee]  --The Source schema Name along with table name from  where you are moving your table Employee

Case II –When you want to move all tables from one schema to another for eg. From dbo schema to Emp Schema

exec sp_MSforeachtable "ALTER SCHEMA Emp TRANSFER ?"